NC3 Elects New Fleet Captain; Other Officer’s Terms Extended
November 7th, 2020
At the Change of Watch meeting held via Zoom meeting on November 7th, 2020, Joe Rolfes was elected to be the new NC3 Fleet Captain by unanimous vote. Joe has been a long term member of NC3 and formerly served as Fleet Cruise Director. Most recently, Joe was kind enough to take over as the editor of the NC3 newsletter during this past sailing season. In addition to serving as the editor, he has penned numerous articles about the history of the Chesapeake Bay and some of the area’s historic towns. Joe has been described by NC3 members as a “walking encyclopedia of Chesapeake Bay history.”
Joe thanked outgoing Fleet Captain Luci Stone for her service to the fleet and the excellent job she has done especially during this difficult year. Luci now automatically becomes Past Fleet Captain, relieving Bill Leahy of those duties.
Also during the meeting, the following Officer’s terms were extended by an additional 1 year by unanimous vote:
Bryant Gorrell – Cruise Director
John Hughes – Treasurer
Dave Wisel – Communications Officer